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Self-Mastery For Those Who Desire To Experience More Happiness Out Of Their Life And Business.

"This Book Reveals A Lesser-Known Proven Path That Shows You How To Master the Skill Set Of Success in 2024"

Success is a Skill Set You Can Master. You Can Teach It, You Can Learn It, and You Can Apply It With Consistent Results – And Best of All You Will Drastically Shorten the Time to Turn Any Failure Into Success.

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What is Lack or Success?

Lack or Success is a lesser-known proven path to experiencing success on a consistent basis, specifically for those who enjoy learning about self-help and success, that provides you the complete step-by-step guide to create anything you desire and master that skill set so you can apply in your life and business.

The game of life is won and lost in how we deal with failure. This book will cover the root causes to all failure and how lack is used to get our attention. Our ability to create the successful life is in direct proportion to how much lack is present in our current reality. Only when we unlack can we unlock more success into our life!

Everything is backed by science, research, and real-life experiences showing how there is more to life than meets the eye when you become devoted to the “magical” transformational process of creation.

Lack or Success is a shortcut

Before I wrote the book – I was on a ten-year cycle of many failures, business ventures, millions of dollars raised, breakthroughs, set-backs, ah-ha moments, partnerships, and many well-deserved experiences that have helped me persevere into a seasoned entrepreneur and professional in my field today.

No one wants to go through adversity, pain, failure, mistakes, and the many setbacks Imelda and I experienced over the past many years together. I can assure you, if it all went well, I wouldn’t be here talking about this topic of failure.

But when Imelda unexpectedly passed away in June 2017 it brought me to a point where I made a true choice to figure out how to live a RICH (Reclaim your Integrity to Create Happiness) Life once again. This decision led me on a 4+ year quest to personally figure out just how to experience more success in my life and business. Maybe you can relate in some way.

Deep down inside I knew this topic of Lack or Success needed to be addressed from this very unique angle. The benefit that has come from it has been truly overwhelming for me personally because I know it will help you along your unique journey as well. That is a very gratifying feeling to experience.

What took me 14+ years to figure out (10 years of failures + 4 years of piecing together this self-help book/guide) will only take you a fraction of time by just accessing a $9.99 eBook, Audio, and Video Book called Lack or Success.

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Here's How I Went From Being Broke–Financially, Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically To Become Fully Whole In Every Area By Following a Proven Path to Success, And Mapping Out The Success Journey So You Have Everything To Master This Skill Set.

I promise you even the most well-read and well-educated individual who writes, trains, and coaches people in this field of failure, transformation, and success in some way will get something out of this book. 

Read the Story Below to Discover the Impetus….


Lack or Success eBook, Audio, and Video Book

318 page eBook where you learn how to master success. Professional Audio Book where you listen while you read along to the eBook and/or paperback. In depth professional videos on each Chapter with expanded lessons.

5 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

The 5-Steps to Consciously Create Your Desire

This PDF will shift your identity through our 5-step process

Morning Ritual Guide

This PDF will help you focus on how best to start your day

The RICH Playbook

This Video and Workbook Course will help you Reclaim your Integrity to Create Happiness in both your Life and Business. This is Imelda's Signature Course!

Success Guide Community Access

Get among like-minded people on a similar mission as you!

5-Part Funding Possibilities Series

Get started Quickly with this mini access the right money series and guide to fuel your growth in no time!

Dear Future Success Master

From: The laptop of Brian Rassi

Re: Your Freedom (and why this is your only way out)

Surprised to see a $9.99 price tag on a one of these?

I thought you might be…

Would it surprise you even more to learn, that I have been using this these methods in my own life for the past couple of years before I even wanted to share them?


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 

so let me prove it to you

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of being able to see and observe my results for the past 3-4+ years now.

The average person who buys any “self-help or how to” information gets little to no results. There are many reasons (usually they give up to quickly) behind this that we go over in the eBook. Please note I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors….including but not limited to your upbringing, experiences, and your devotion level. 

All creation entails a structure to it as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS eBOOK, AUDIO, AND VIDEO BOOK.

And yes, it took me time and energy (more than you think) to get everything in a good place where I knew it all started to take hold….

But once I got into a good structure and I was able to align, raise, and transform my true choices within it very rapidly and efficiently.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

And I Did It By Using A Lesser-Known Proven Path That Shows You How to Master the Skill Set of Success That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

I remember when I was a very low point in my life. I recently went through another business failure and all our money was dwindling away without any assurances or direction on what I should be doing next.

I remember very distinctly the day when Imelda did an intuitive reading for me. You will get to know Imelda very much so throughout the eBook because she still to this day is a force for good in many people’s lives as you will learn.

During that reading she said, “MAGIC doesn’t happen on the well-traveled path.” Her point was you must begin to venture through the forest and create your own path. Even if that means you need to carry a proverbial machete and chop your way through the denseness of the forest then you do that.

It is by far the fastest and the most fulfilling path you will ever take in your life. For years I didn’t fully understand how to actually implement this into my life and business. It’s easy to say but in real life it is much tougher to go one direction when everyone else is going the opposite direction!

Every video, every social media post, and every conversion with your family or friends just seems to try to conform you to the same old status quo you’re in right now. At some point you just get to a point in life where you realize YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE WHEN IT COMES TO LIVING A RICH LIFE!

Just Like Wanda T., Who Downloaded The Lack or Success Book A Few Months Ago and Soon After She Began To Forge Their Very Own Path To A Success They Always Wanted To Create!

Soon After, Her Path Was Created And She Emailed Me:

And even though getting into a fun, easy, and simplified structure, that's not the best part...

The best part is this is becoming a daily experience.

That’s right, once you begin on your own lesser-known path the intuitive hits keep on coming 24/7/365.

And Wanda T. isn’t the only one either…

This is Laura P, Another Success Guide Masterclass Member, Who Downloaded The Lack or Success Book Not Too Long Ago…

...And soon got access to information that she always wanted to learn but it was never compiled into a simplified way that appealed to her.

Here’s what she her dedicated account representative (which you will have access to once you download the book)….

Here’s another Lack or Success Book owner who started using these strategies…

Meet Jenn A., Who Got Access To The Steps She Needed To Help Her Husband Fully Understand Her Desires And Ultimately Learn How To Support Her In This New Entrepreneurial Journey!

"You're wonderful Brian! Thank you!!" - Jenn A.

Kellyann, Greg, and Nettie Are A Group Of New Wave Lack or Success Community Members Who Are Doing Things Differently…

And you can BET...

This Lack or Success book is unlike any self-help or personal development method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  •  We don’t focus on Telling You Have To Do Anything

  • ​ We don’t focus on Band-Aid Type Solutions

  • ​ We don’t focus on Holding Anything Back You Getting The Whole Picture

  • ​ We don’t focus on You Having To Do This On Your Own

  • ​ We don’t focus on Just Expensive Toys or Shallow Experiences Only

In fact: we rarely (if ever) ask you to Fix Yourself In Anyway (Because You’re Not Broken)

Instead We Get You In The Right Structure For Success By Removing the Lack …

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Lack or Success book allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to experiencing more success.…

  • State of Being Without Something I Desired 

  • Endless Internal Mind Chatter of You’re Not Good Enough

  • Constant Overwhelm and To Busy for The Things I Want To Do

  • Having Not Enough Money or Resources to Get What I Desired

  • Never-Ending Frustration or Feeling That I’m Must Be Doing Something Wrong. 

This Process of Learning to Master Success In My Life Freed Me From All That And It Allowed Me To Create And Actual Live A Life That I Love!  

Here’s what my life used to look like (and If you’ve ever desired to experience more success, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Lack Mindset”:

  Step 1 - Blame someone else for a failure you just experienced.

Step 2 - Justifying in your own mind it wasn’t your fault by repeating over and over again. 

  Step 3 - Illicit confirmation from other people like your spouse or business associate.

  Step 4 - Begin seeing examples of the same failure being done to others on social media…

  Step 5 - Start attracting like-minded people to you who see society and business the same way.

  Step 6 - Pretty soon you think you have a problem or something is wrong

with you in some way.

  Step 7 - Become very jaded about your current reality and the lack has set in.

  Step 8 - You experience another failure.  

  Step 9 - Start over

The Lack Mindset not only sucked, but kept me stuck for 10+ years – forcing me to work 24/7/365, barely make enough money to survive, gain 40+ pounds overweight, not be able to spend time with Imelda or visit my family, constant overthinking, feeling depressed or feeling less than to my peers, while never seeing a way out from my struggles. 

To be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole idea of living a life worth living when Imelda passed away in June 2017.

... But before I gave up..

I got an intuitive hit to go to the RICH Playbook (Imelda created and taught this class for years)

RICH is an acronym for Reclaim your Integrity to Create Happiness

I retook the course and something magical started to happen.

I began to feeling again and I was becoming open to the possibility of experiencing success again in my life.

After retaking the class it felt like I won the lottery!

From that day forward till now I have been on a quest to change the game for myself.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

... It worked...

And I spent years turning it into a system...

And I Put This Entire System In A 318 Page Book Called “Lack or Success” And You Can Start Reading It in Just a Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name is Brian Rassi …

You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.

My life’s pretty good…I am a

  • ​Accomplished Author of the book “Lack or Success”

  • ​Able to feel my emotions & change them to feel better

  • ​Able to consciously think and control my thoughts more often 

  • ​I know who I am & can feel happiness for longer periods

  • ​Understand the right next step to take to achieve my desire​

  • ​Lost over 40+ pounds of weight and kept it off since

  • ​Started a successful business and love what I do every day

  • ​Changed my thoughts which allowed me to change my life

  • ​Reconnected with my family, friends, and loved ones

  • ​I am able to attract all the right people and answers on demand​

  • ​Living a life of FREEDOM - Doing what matters most

  • Found love again by attracting my perfect partner and got married

  • ​And many more your read about in the book. 

As of writing this, I’m currently traveling back an forth between Chicago, Cincinnati, Jacksonville Beach, New Jersey, to wherever I want next. 

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That When I Get An Intuitive Hit I Make Sure to Act On It These Days – So Let’s Talk About Where I Was In October, 2018.

I was 41 and recently moved to Cincinnati area.

I had no Clear Path on what I wanted to do next.

I had no Interest in writing another book

I had no Business up and running at the time.

... and I didn't have much money in the bank either. 

This meant I couldn’t really move forward with my life because I had no clear direction.

There’s a stupid myth out there... that It Is What It Is.

… Well sometimes it doesn’t..

And if you want to Master the Skill Set of Success it is almost never the answer...

I know, because I tried.

I gave it everything I had.

I gave it my BEST shot.

And it didn’t work.

Because I played by the old rules and I did everything right...

I Ended Up With An Opportunity To Go Back Into Corporate America And I Really Didn’t Want Too…

I didn't want too because I just don’t work well taking orders from someone else.

I had goals, dreams and aspirations to make it big in my own business...

I wanted more out of life...

...and if I took that job at the time I knew in my heart it wasn’t going to work.

So I did what everyone else out there does in this situation.

I started looking for another way.

I looked everywhere and a few months later I came across an entrepreneur event called Startup Cincy.

I went to this event with my best suit, an open mind and the intent to just experience what the local community was doing as it related to business. They had 5 days planned of speakers, workshops, forums, and after hours parties as well.

I went to from speaking session to speaking session on the first day. There was a theme developing from everyone of the speakers and the panels I attended throughout the day. 

Everyone was indirectly or directly talking about failures in business. It was very subtle and natural but nevertheless everyone addressed it differently. 

The only difference was I was beginning to get the urge that I should pay attention to this failure theme. 

This led to me begin to formulate my own thoughts and experiences around how failure has shaped my and Imelda’s lives. 

It was a painful quest and as I wrote out my thoughts over and over again (for at least a year) it was not until I discovered this mechanism that truly began to bring clarity to how one could master success. 

It is called the Lack or Success Mechanism. 

Lack or Success Mechanism Is Only a Bye Product of Something Deeper Going On And When You Realize This It Will Allow You To Begin To Experience More Success In All Areas Of Your Life and Business.  

Just think about it: 

 What is Failure? It is defined as Lack of Success. Your inability to achieve your aim.

 What is Success? It is the ability to achieve your aim.

 What is Lack? The state of being without.  

 What is UnLack? It is defined as to Remove Lack. 

 What Happens When You Remove Lack? You experience more success!

Lack or Success is a choice you make every second and The Key Is You Must Choose Success!

And the best part about being able to UnLack Your Life and Business...

You Drastically Shorten Your Ability to Turn Any Failure Into A Success!  

Success is a Skill Set You Can Master...

You Can Teach It, You Can Learn It, and You Can Apply It With Consistent Results.

And That Was The Birth Of My Book Called Lack or Success

After doing a bit of research – I started to uncover how many books seem to focus on addressing the solutions to failure at this surface level. 

I needed to find a solution that was going to consistently work for me period!

All I knew how to do was I would follow my intuitive hits to seek more information and the minute I received that information I would begin to apply it to see if it would illicit consistent results for me.

And even though I had the right information, and I was applying it. I still had to do it consistently in order for it to truly prove to me without a shadow of a doubt to worthy of being placed in the book stamped with my or Imelda’s name to it.

Looking back over the past 3-4 years of this quest it’s been very difficult to say the least.

Late Nights.

Hard Work.

At some point I had so many techniques being vetted out my entire day was jam packed with trying this or trying that to see what was actually moving the needle and what was not.

That was my life and I was ready to quit.

But thankfully, I didn't...

That Was 3-4 Years Ago, And Fast Forward To Today and It Almost Seems Like a Blur To Me.

I proved the idea of “MAGIC doesn’t happen on the well-traveled path” to be true…

Instead of going back to Corporate America and delaying my quest for the freedom and clarity on living my true nature and purpose. 

I’m Living a RICH Life today and running enstigate™. I have the ability to experience more success and happiness in my life than ever before!

Chatting with friends and writing this copy you’re reading.

I have my Confidence and Inner Knowing That I Can Tap Into the MAGIC consistently.

Unlike many of my Peers who seem to continuously get triggered and swayed of course from their desired end results.

You see many of my peers will only experience a glimpse of success until the Lack will resurface in their lives. It will be a constant treadmill of failures, glimpses of success, and new beginnings again. 

I did this for 10+ years, and it not only drove me crazy…

It drove me and Imelda to the point where life seemed very hectic, tough, and extremely frustrating. 

Instead of us experiencing many successes we experienced many failures. Ultimately when Imelda passed away it left me no choice but to figure it out once and for all. 

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The Lack or Success Book and The “The Old Way” of Doing Things?  


Rather than doing all those things I mentioned above in order to get a Success, here’s what it looks like now…

And The Result Of Using This New Way? 

Which Naturally Leads To...

I get to create what I want, when I want, and with whom I want on a daily basis.

And the best part is it just naturally seems to work out even better than I originally imagined it would.

The really cool thing is that…

If you follow all the Align, Raise, and Transform steps that I teach, you end up with the Success that you want….

But it’s much more than that..

It’s Actually A Step-by-Step Guide (a Structure) That You Will Come To Count On No Matter How Big Or Small Your Desired Reality Is …

How many Self-Help and Guru models have you seen come and go through the years?

  If they all worked why do we all not have exactly what we want?

My Successes have consistently been going for a good year and half straight now!  

Now, speaking of the model...

I am Excited that you are going to learn this but torn because this piece of information cost me thousands of dollars to acquire. 

Ready for it?

The # 1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes Is They Think You Have To Solve a Problem To Get What You Want --- No You Just Need To Be It Before Your See It! 

Here’s why:

There are two types of Creators out there.

There are Lack Creators and there are the Success Creators.

For 10+ years in my entrepreneurial journey – I was a Lack Mindset Creator.

Lack Creators are always out there trying to get over the hump but for some reason no matter how hard they work or try something comes along to derail the dream in some way.

Their strategy is to try to go all in and make it happen without any true end destination.

And by focusing on this strategy – they spend a ton of time on…

  •  Starting a Lot of Ventures at one time

  •  Saying Yes to Everything

  •  Constantly Thinking on What If Scenarios

  •  Trying to Fix Themselves

All of this requires time and energy.

The problem isn’t the model itself it’s the application of it. You’re doing many of the right things but if you do certain things not consistent enough or in the wrong way it can become an endless cycle of lack really quick.

And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Success Creators model.

The solution?

You Need To Be It Before You See It. Everything I Was Doing Was Reinforcing That I Was Not It. The Minute I Changed This Approach The Success Began To Show Up!

That's right...

I said it, Mastery of success is truly mastery of failure as well. You can’t have one without the other.

…Because I rather Experience My Desires instead of an Endless Cycle of Failures.

My Goals were violating my Identity.  Until I address that I couldn't begin to Be It. 

So here’s the deal…

…I explain everything in the Lack or Success Book, it’s a 318 page Book that shows you everything you need to know.

So If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, The Right Idea Could Be Worth Millions. What Is Mastery Of Your Success Worth To You?

Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the world of self-help and success books.

Our attention span and ability to discern what is the truth as a species as decreased significantly over the past couple of decades with the rise of social media and the internet. 

This has created a certain level of skepticism of whom should I believe is really telling the truth.

Now, most of these Lack Creators are looking for a new solution…

And as you may have guessed it - we have it.

That’s Right – Given A Choice They Rather Experience A Desired Reality Than Experience Another Failed Result.  

And that's where the Lack or Success Book comes in...

It does this beautifully in utilizing the ART (Align, Raise, Transform) Technique…

And that’s the difference here. 

When you utilize the ART Technique it truly allows you to simplify and execute the successful structure of creation.

Instead of going in circles creating what you don’t want (Lack Creator). 

You are now in alignment with what you choose to be and it’s a subtle change that makes all the difference in the world.

What I’m saying if your goal is to Master Success...being able to make it a skill set! 

The Lack Mindset is definitely holding you back from getting it!  Lack requires the same amount of work and energy as Success does.

Success just requires consistency of getting into the right mindset, right feelings, and the right structure with a true choice.

And that’s why this is different.

And You Know What? I’ll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

You can drastically shorten your learning curve and knowledge base with the Lack or Success Book by just reading it!

Literally rewrote the book 80+ times and every word meticulously vetted to ensure that this book would become the foundational book that anyone can pick up in one day and begin to succeed no matter their current circumstances.

And once you start using the ART (Align, Raise, Transform) Technique with your true choices…

Experiencing Success isn’t something you ever need to worry about again – or even think about.

It’s something that automatically happens to you naturally as you continue to tap into the MAGIC!

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now – set it for 30 days from today.

Because if you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the Lack or Success Book.

That’s when you’ll be able to obverse how much you have grown in such a short amount of time and experienced a certain amount of Successes as well. 

That’s how easy this is when you get all the information and put it into motion!

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliché that sounds…

And Just A Few Years Ago…I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You Ever Believed It Was Possible To Actually Master Success…

…But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to create a Successful experience you always wanted…

I promise you this…

Anyone can Master the Skill Set of Success (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

Because over the last year and half I have helped many of our business owners, entrepreneurs, and their teams implement this into both their life and business….

“The money just hit today, and I’m a bit in shock at how quickly everything happened. I did what you told me to do and I have $73K in my bank account.” – Ruthie B

and here's another reason
you too can do this

It took me a couple of years to “figure this out”…

…and another couple of years to perfect it.

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

I figured it all out.

Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

You just need to download this book and most important of all - implement it!

That’s it…

Here’s The Exact Step-By-Step System Revealed in the Lack or Success Book To Be Able To Master Success As A Skill Set 

  ALIGN – Learn how to align with the right story, right path, and align with the right true choice from the beginning.

  RAISE – Begin to trust the process of raising your expectations, awareness and temperature by focusing your time and energy effectively.

  TRANSFORM – Actually experience Success by transforming through inspired actions, evolving with opportunities, and choosing to expand your experiences going forward!

Those are the ART (Align, Raise, Transform) Technique steps to consistently be able to turn a failure into a success! 

All of this is revealed in the 318 page Lack or Success eBook in step-by-step detail.

Making it a counterintuitive approach to Experience More Success for the person that seeks to Learn How to Master Success and turn it into a Skill Set.

And that's not all, because...

here's what else you're going to discover in the Lack or Success Book

  Discover the key word in the definition of failure that drives you to do what you do! 

All Explained On Page 4…

  Discover the exact critical step for turning any failure into a success and why you must aim to master it. 

Explained On Page 17...

  Learn how a couple of Billionaires make their decisions when it comes who do they listen to make the right decision within a 30-second window of time.  

Insight Is Explored On Page 26...

  Learn the key answer to the question I was seeking for over a year to begin to advance forward exponentially and transform the situation immediately. 

The Index Is On Pages 34-35...

  The clue that opens the door to what 6 areas of fear on must overcome and master in order to win in any worthwhile undertaking in life.  

List Is On Page 36...

  How I lost over 40+ pounds and stopped the yo-yo effect from gaining it back with one simple shift in my structure that can be used in any situation in regard to business as well.  

Overview On Page 37...

  Review the Law of Attraction research of this world class scientist on the genesis of his provocative idea in regard to the creation ability of physical reality. 

Stories And Overview Starts On Page 46...

  Discover the three (3) Mirrors and how best to effectively use them when you encounter others. It is also will allow you to decipher the illusive answers to why you are attracted to certain types of people.  

List Starts On Page 52...

  Learn the 4-Steps you go through when processing information and more importantly the key to figuring it all out on how to begin to use this in your life to experience more positive situations on a daily basis. 

Flip To Page 58...

  This is where you learn the two (2) key focus areas that all successful individuals master and what to expect timewise in order to make this a habit!  

This Starts On Page 68...

  When failure shows up you need to immediately do this one thing and when done correctly it will align you to experiencing more fulfillment and purpose on your entrepreneurial journey. 

Dive Into Page 80...

  The Jedi mind trick the eluded me for years, but you don’t have to wait anymore to figure it out. When you use it the benefit is the very thing that is holding you back will dissipate drastically.  

Review And Apply On Page 88...

  Learn what signal you need to send out that will immediately send back the highest and best experience and how to recognize it when it does show up in your life and business.  

This Scale Is Shown On Page 92...

  Why you should be really excited when a failure arises and how you can tap into the magic that is already available for you to experience when this happens.  

Discussed On Page 98...

  Discover the Six (6) Unpacking Questions to help you uncover the underlying beliefs that are influencing you to act and behave in that moment. More importantly how you use these answers to move forward towards a desired success. 

6 Questions On Page 101...

  How to use the ART (Align, Raise, Transform) Technique to learn and master the skill set of Success.  

Story And Overview Begins On Page 107...

  The 9-Steps that encompass the entire process of what to do when a failure occurs and how to properly find your path to success.  

Chart And List Is Shown On Page 114...

  Learn this critical piece of information that (very few people discuss this ever) is the main reason why you wouldn’t be able to create something you desire to happen. When you apply it will dramatically speed up the process of creation in your favor.  

Jump To Page 119...

  Discover this unexpected gift and how to use it to effectively stay on your path when you experience a detour. When you recognize this gift and how you need to process it, the correct decision will reveal itself in the moment that will allow you to move forward to a successful outcome. 

Image Shown On Page 125...

  This technique single handedly gave me the ability to rid myself of unseen baggage that was causing me to stutter when I was nervous, to eat when I wasn’t hungry, to cry when I was lonely, to self-sabotage a good situation for no reason, ad the list goes on and on. 

Now You Can Use And Learn This On Page 129...

  Learn the science and visual evidence behind this powerful daily function that you can easily implement into your life and business which will have a monumental positive effect on what you experience going forward. 

Explained On Page 140...

  How to use nature as a guide when it comes to accessing the all the information you need on and be able to use that to make a decision right the first time!  

Reference Page 146...

  This key technique when used for about 10-15 minutes can have an exponential return on your ability to experience happiness, joy, abundance, wealth, love, etc.  

Learn All About This On Page 153...

  Go over this great experiment from the early 1980’s that showcases a Universal Law that most people don’t know about but when they do learn about this it can drastically boost your ability to thrive and grow in any situation you’re experiencing or going to encounter in the future. 

Experiment Information Is On Page 159...

  Discover the meaning behind the HU prefix and how you can use it to tap into the MAGIC of life and business which is all around you. Read these couple of passages that truly showcase to you how connected you are to this Universal Intelligence source.  

Read This On Page 170...

  This complete game changer of a statement blew my mind and more importantly opened up the understanding for how you can enter into the Wizard’s Gate of creation without resistance.  

Must Read This On Page 174...

  Learn this underlying structure when it comes to attracting money which is often misunderstood and misappropriated by the self-help industry. It is often the real reason why most people become frustrated and jaded as it relates to Money.  

Don’t Fall For Trap And Skirt This Go To Page 176...

  Read about the Seven (7) Principles that made this ancient society one of the most peaceful, successful, and wealthiest for over 3000+ years. More importantly how you can use these principles in your life and business.  

Research Begins On Page 181...

  Discover the Six (6) different Logical Levels of Change and How you can apply it to your experience right now! This is powerful insight on how to effectively experience success in multiple areas at the same time.  

Image Shown On Page 186...

  Ultimately you will realize (like I did) that there is an step-by-step process you can implement right now in your life that will support you and help you Master Success in both your life and business.  

This Realization Can Be Found On Page 196...

  Learn this about this lessor known aspect of consciousness that allows you to quickly change your resistance level and take the action you need to take to experience the result you’re seeking to experience right away.  

Discussed On Page 203...

  A List of Ten (10) things you can do to learn How to Master Success. Implement them daily and watch your life and business transform overnight.  

List Is Shown On Pages 205-206...

  And much, much more!

We’ll also show you how to best Implement the Step-by-Step Guide into your daily schedule!

If Mastering Success is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.

Plus I’m Going To Give You The 5-Steps to Consciously Create Your Desire 

This an overview of the right structure you must implement in order to initiate the right next step or action to take in process to experience the Success you’re seeking.

And Before You Access The Lack or Success eBook, Audio, and Video Book…I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then put you in something totally different. 

This isn't one of them. 

I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $9.99, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.  

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...

I was planning on selling this book for $47, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them. (we do this as well)

Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.

Then I sold the Lack or Success book for $37 and many people accessed it at that price....

...Which was was great, but then I realized hey - this is an eBook, audio, and video book that doesn't cost me anything to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it.

By Lowering The Price to $9.99 It Allows Me to Impact More People And Help Them Learn How to Master Success And Make It a Skill Set 

I consider that at true win/win...

Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $25.00 in advertising expense to sell one book.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

I’m betting that you’ll enjoy the book so much, you call and ask to take additional masterclasses, trainings, or programs from me.

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

You're Also Getting Exclusive 5-Part Success Mastery Series On How To Implement Right Away

There are a ton of nuances to each step which is best explained in an extensive written and video training format. It’s definitely going to help you implement much easier and with greater efficiency.

And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

Plus I’m also including these amazing bonuses valued at $324

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Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


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Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”

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How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

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I’ll talk to you in our private Community Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you get your copy of the Lack or Success. 

Until then, to your success,

Brian Rassi

P.S. Remember, the Lack or Success comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Access it, read it, implement it, get results. 

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Here's What's Included In The Book

  Learn how a couple of Billionaires make their decisions when it comes who do they listen to make the right decision within a 30-second window of time.  

Insight Is Explored On Page 26...

  Discover the three (3) Mirrors and how best to effectively use them when you encounter others. It is also will allow you to decipher the illusive answers to why you are attracted to certain types of people.  

List Starts On Page 52...

  Discover the Six (6) Unpacking Questions to help you uncover the underlying beliefs that are influencing you to act and behave in that moment. More importantly how you use these answers to move forward towards a desired success. 

6 Questions On Page 101...

  The 9-Steps that encompass the entire process of what to do when a failure occurs and how to properly find your path to success.  

Chart And List Is Shown On Page 114...

  Learn this underlying structure when it comes to attracting money which is often misunderstood and misappropriated by the self-help industry. It is often the real reason why most people become frustrated and jaded as it relates to Money.  

All Explained On Page 176...

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Here's What Others Have To Say

Wanda Toro Turini

Danielle A.

"Not only will I be applying some of this knowledge to my own life, (I have already started with positive affirmations) I will be recruiting others to do so too. Thanks for sharing this with me."

Nanette O.

"Hi Brian, I can't tell you how much I love this book! I love Imelda, and I feel like I know her. I'm so grateful for her time on Earth, her presence in your life, and how she is still touching people today! And I'm so grateful to you for bringing this wisdom to life."

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Book Reviews

Nansi K.

"Hi Brian! I love your book!! I wish I has known Imelda. She certainly had a profound influence on your life and I'm sure she is thrilled you are sharing her wisdom with so many others."

Danielle A.

"Not only will I be applying some of this knowledge to my own life, (I have already started with positive affirmations) I will be recruiting others to do so too. Thanks for sharing this with me."

Kellyann R.

"I'm so in love with the book and your sessions you sent... After reading some of your book and just one lesson you had me do, it unlocked my manifesting skills in 12 hours."

Scott R.

Included Bonuses

The 5-Steps to Consciously Create Your Desire

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Morning Ritual Guide

This PDF will help you focus on how best to start your day

The RICH Playbook

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5-Part Funding Possibilities Series

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